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Diploma in Case Law Research & Analytics

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This course includes in depth study of Judgments delivered by various High Courts, Tribunals and Supreme Court of India. The diploma in case law analytic and research provides a strong foundation and a launching pad for students looking to persue their career as law research analyst. The study of variable data point in the predefined judgment elements enables the law research students to understand various weightage of data point that had the impact on the final conclusion of the judgments. This course also prepares the law students to have legal drafting skills for Drafting  a Plaint and Written Statement to a given illustration. This will provide a well-rounded training and learning new things, help to communicate better and opens minds to new ideas and ways of thinking. This Course will enable last-minute career change and help students to get closer to the career very fast. It will help earning name, fame and monitory benefits in a short span of time and take potential steps towards a bright career in the future.


  • To make students aware of the various pre-defined data points and variable data points that a judgment contains.
  • To allocate the various pre-defined data points and generate various variable data points, beneficial for any research analysis that can pivot around the judgment or the conclusion of any case.
  • To delve deep into legal research of hundreds of relevant cases and peruse thousands of pages of decisions to deduce the right cases that are in favour of their client’s motion or application.
  • To know the opposing view and the case-law justification that may be presented to back up the opposing view, so that a defensive mitigation strategy can be prepared hence building the foundation for this strategy.
  • Imparting deep knowledge of Judgments through studying and analyzing the judgment
    Drafting of plaint or written statement
  • To stands out clearly on a resume of the student.
  • Employers to appreciate continuous learners because it shows that the learner is always looking to progress and absorb new things, making a treasured benefit to any organization.


  • Allocating Fixed Legal Data Points from the Judgments
  • Writing an abstract for the judgment
  • Writing an Article on legal topics
  • Generating Variable Data Points of the judgment
  • Studying and Analyzing the Case
  • Drafting  a Plaint and Written Statement to a given illustration


A. Fixed Data Points
1. 1000 Judgments will be given.
2.  For allocating fixed data points student have to follow certain rules which  are as follows:
a) Case Number- The number of the case as provided in the judgment
b) Jurisdicon of the Court- Original, appellate, Writs, Special Leave Jurisdicon, Advisory Jurisdiction,  etc. according to the case.
c) Judges Name- As provided in the case
d) Bench-
• Name of One judge- Single Bench
• Name of Two Judges- Division Bench
• Name of Three or more Judges- Full Bench
• Constitution Bench- Constitution Bench
e) Advocates Name- As provided in the case for both the pares
f) Citation- As provided in the case( this is about the judgments published in various law journals
g) Description- As per the acts and section imposed in the case
h) Disposition- As per the decision of the case

B. Abstract Writting
For Abstract writing there are some rules which the student have to follow, which are as follows:
• Name of the Act and Sections must be menoned.
• Facts of the Case in brief.
• Decision of the Lower Courts, High Courts, Tribunals and Supreme Court.
• Abstract must be written in past tense


1. Student have to write 15 Articles during the Course period containing 300-500 words each Article.
2.  For Article Writing there are some rules which the student have to follow, which are as follows:
· Title of the Article
· Body of the Article which shall include 2-3 paragraphs
· Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation,anticipation or an appeal)

1. Variable Data points need to  be generated on 30 Judgments during the course  period.
2. Students have to choose the Judgment. Provided the Category should not be repeated until the uniqueness can maintained
3. Variable data Points are generated from the Judgment Elements.
4. Judgment Elements consists of:
· Facts of the Case- Matter in issue should be mentioned
· Ruling- Mentioning decision of lower courts and Tribunals if any
· Arguments- Arguments of the advocates
· Cases Referred- Mention the name and description of the cases referred.
· Decision and Reason- Decision and the reason of that decision should be mentioned of the Court under which the case was going on.
5. Everything must be plotted according to the elements. No change should be done during plotting of the elements.

Please note: Every judgment may not have all the above elements.

          1. Student have to analyze 15 cases according to his own choice
          2. Each category should contain analysis of three cases ( I.e; Category Criminal can contain the analysis of murder case, corruption case and NDPS case or three cases of only murder or 2 cases of murder and a case of NDPS). Provided the judgment allotted does not fall under more than 7 Category, in such case the student can increase the number of case analysis per Category.  Provided each and every Category of the allocated judgments   
          1. Student have to draft 10 Plaint or Written statement according to the illustration of case given.
          2. There is no limit of words.

Course Summary

  • Judgments delivered from various High courts and Supreme Court of India is provided for the research under this course to each student
  • List of all the Indian bare acts are also provided for previewing
  • Since Act and section imposed is the fulcrum of the judgments, the list of various act with sections are provided to each students doing research on judgment.
  • A user-friendly web based interface is designed for each student to generate the various pre-defined legal data points of judgment. The interface also provides features to generate custom data point by each research that enable them to have a detail research analysis of judgments
  • Analyzing judgments delivered by various High Court and Supreme Court of India.
  • Students have to fill the related fields aer studying the judgments given in judgment body. On an average a student has to undergo 15-20 Judgments per day to complete the target of 1000 Judgments in 90 days. In case any of the Fixed Data Points is missing in full judgment text, student has to
  • search on web and generate the missing data points. URL of the website to be submitted in the data point remark section of the interface. Extra marks will be given for this.

For example, suppose citation, appeal number, etc. in allocated judgment is missing, the student have to dig out these data from judgments that can be found of various other website.

Mode of Training
The mode of training will be offline as well as online taught by highly renowned and reputed experts in the related subject area

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