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Conferences Seminars and Workshops

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Conferences Seminars and Workshops

The National and International Conferences provides an exclusive chance to deliberate best practices within the academics or industry i.e. a chance to meet with people who are interconnected. Receiving a multiplicity of viewpoints helps to judge and improve our own ideas and practices. Such interactions of discussing issues make faculty members and students richer and give them a variety of new ideas that they don't necessarily receive by merely looking for information. Each year the Institute organizes National Conferences, including sponsored and self sponsored conferences on Management that provides a rich platform to the students and scholars to get the latest updation in various areas. A new initiative taken by the Institute is “Youth Conference”, which is for the students, of the students and by the students. One can refer our dedicated website www.pioneerjournal.in for details of conferences and seminars organized.  

Attending seminars and workshops gives faculty and students, a competitive edge and help to lessen the risks. It gives a chance to students to connect with other entrepreneurs and fellow students.The brainstorm ideas and feedback sharpens the skill set required in a job and business.Also, the students learn more about industry and get valuable insights from experts.



  • Going beyond the horizons of textbooks and making something innovative
  • Get an outsider’s perspective on some of the most pressing challenges
  • Develop a network & connection; making oneself visible that might help students with future employment
  • Step back, sort through, think creative, reflect, re-invent and experience work from a whole new perspective
  • Learn something that changes a student’s life professionally
  • A wealth of knowledge and information at one time in one place
  • Learning with most compressed material
  • Sharing & brainstorming ideas and getting immediate feedback from credible individuals

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