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National seminar on Quality Management in Higher Education

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September 09-10, 2010

Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies organized national seminar on Quality Management in Higher Education it is sponsored by National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore .The aim of the seminar was to discuss about the problems faced on various fronts whether it is by the management, by the faculty members and by the students in maintaining the quality of higher education and how to overcome those problems.

The first session Inaugural Session was graced by the auspicious presence of the chief guest Dr. Pradeep Mathur, Director IIT Indore ;Special Guest Dr. M.Kumar, Professor and Dean of computer Science at SIRT Bhopal and Key Note speaker was  Dr. Shashi Rai ,Ex UGC member ,New Delhi. In her key note speech she discussed about Quality issues in higher education system. She told that concept of higher education is dynamic. Aim of Higher education should be the development of society and Country. She said the now scenario has changed and knowledge has been converted into Information. If students are of higher quality then definitely Higher Education would be high Quality. She has explained the development of Universities and Collages in Country and emphasized the requirement of more Universities and Collages for the Excellence of the Higher Education. She emphasized on flexibility of syllabus according to the local needs.

Special Guest of the Seminar Dr. M. Kumar has explained the Knowledge Management in Higher Education System. He has explicated the use of Knowledge Management for improving the Quality of Higher Education.  Chief Guest Dr. Pradeep Mathur has explained the Higher Education should be value based and the impact of it can be identifiable in our daily life.

The seminar has received a tremendous response and several delegates have registered themselves for paper presentations. This seminar has focused on various issues related to Quality Management in Higher Education. Dr. V.K. Jain, Director MCA and seminar coordinator provided an overview of the seminar .He said that 57 abstracts and 44 full papers were received from various delegates and institutions across India and they were reviewed by a team of Professors.

The Second Session Plenary Session I was addressed by Dr. V.P. Singh, Professor & Dean MBA at SIRT Bhopal.  Dr. Raj Kamal, Head IET, DAVV, Ex. Vice Chancellor, DAVV, Indore. Dr. D. S. Saxena, Founder Director Mahakal Institute of Technology, Ujjain. Dr. V. P. Singh focused on Faculty and there proper training according to the requirement. He said that a teacher should be trained as per local requirements. Dr. Raj Kamal has explicated the role of values in taking any kind of strategic decisions.

Dr. D. S. Saxena  focussed on improving the attitude of the students .He advised that there is no substitutions or shortcuts for hard work and successs.

The third session Plenary Session II was addressed by Dr. Anupam Jain, HOD, Holkar Science College, Indore, Dr. Shailendra Parashar, Director, Ambedkar Peeth, Ujjain.

Dr. Anupam Jain has focused on the problems of Autonomy in Government Collages.

He said that there are so many constraints in front of autonomous Government Collages which creates hurdles for quality improvement.

Dr. Parashar has focused on syllabus innovation and value based education. He said that to maintain the Quality in Higher Education, values and ethics should be include in Curriculum.   

In the fourth session of first day there was a Panel Discussion on Stratgies for Quality Improvement .The eminent panelists were Prof. Amiya Pahare Dept. Director SVCGS, Department of Higher Education, Govt.of MP as moderator, Prof. Shailendra Parashar, Director, Ambedkar Peeth, Ujjain, Dr. Ram Shrivastva, Director, Priyatam Institute of Technology & Science, Indore,  Dr. C.K. Jain, Director, SAIMS, Indore Dr. P. N .Mishra, Professor, IMS, DAVV, Indore, Dr. P.K. Jain, Chairman, Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore, Dr. Aditya Luanvat, Professor, K.C. Garge Institute, Dewas and Prof. S.G. Shah, Regional Vice-President-Region – 3 of CSI. India. Panel discussion concluded with the following strategies:

·  Personality Development and Self Confidence is the key to Students- Prof. Amiya Pahare

·  Value Based Education: Today’s Requirement - Prof. Shailendra Parashar

·  Shortcut for Success Keys (Shivani, Brilliant) are used by regular StudentsDr. Ram Shrivastava

·  Missing Patriotism:  IIT IIM students serving to other countries- Dr. Ram Shrivastava 

·  Problems of Autonomy- Dr. Anupam Jain

·  Quality Input and School Selection- Dr. C. K.Jain

·  Students should learn other languages but should not forget about mother tongue (Hindi) for achieving Excellence: Dr. P.N. Mishra   

·  Guidance should be given in right direction- Dr. P. K. Jain

·  Utility of Virtual Classroom & Resource Sharing- Dr. P.K. Jain

·  Industry- Institute Gap: Jobs available, Candidates not available- Dr.Aditya Lunawat 

·  Education Should be based on local requirement: Culture specific Education- Prof. S. G. Shah

·  Highly Regulatory Higher Education- Prof. S. G. Shah

·  Students as Job Creators not as Job Seekers- Prof. S. G. Shah

 On the second day of the seminar the fifth session Plenary Session III was addressed by Dr. R. P. Mohanty Advisor-ITM Group of Institutions, Mumbai and Dr. V. K. Jain Director MCA, Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore.  

Dr. Mohanty has started his speech with defining Education and the role of TQM in Education. He said that Education is formed from the complex of social humanitarian subjects, oriented to psychological spiritual training of the person and his acculturation.   

He elucidated that Quality of education does guarantee employment in the area of the student’s expertise.

 Dr. V. K. Jain focused on involving the top management in improving the Quality of education. He described the challenges faced by a director for running a B- school.

Director being the key authority of the Institute, he has to respond to the every possible issue related to Institute. The role of director becomes more challenging as he has to meet out the demands from all the corners. He has to fulfill the demands from various stakeholders.


The  sixth session was  Scientific Session I. It was chaired by Dr. Major Gen. V.S. Karnik and the session comprises of 22 papers and seven papers were presented. Dr. Major Gen. V.S. Karnik has also given his valuable comments on the presentations. He said that there is no doubt that expanding access to higher education in India is an imperative, and Government and others should be commended for understanding its importance. 

Prof S. G. Shah has enlightened that higher education is essential for national, social and economic development. Good education is seen as a stepping stone to a high flying career. And for good education higher education institutions clearly need well­ designed academic programmes and a clear mission. Most important for their success however, are high quality faculty and committed students.  

The next Scientific Session II was for students, where the session chairs were Prof. Amiya Pahare, Dept. Director SVCGS, Department of Higher Education, Govt.of MP. Prof. S.G. Shah, Regional Vice-President-Region – 3 of CSI.India and Shri Anurag Tagde . In this session students had given there views and the best paper was judged by the session chairs.

In the Valedictory   Session Dr. N. K. Dhakad, Additional Director, Higher Education, M.P. Govt. was the chief guest. Dr. Dhakad said that every student needs to be enlightened about post­secondary education. That is where the departments involved in these two educations need to collaborate to build college aspirations among our students. Which means as soon as they are out of secondary education, they are prepared to take the first step towards their career. On the positive side, the government hopes to have 15 per cent enrollment in the 11th plan period (2007-­12).

 Dr. P.K. Jain, Chairman, Pioneer Institute congratulated the team for there positive efforts and excellent team work. In this Session Certificates and seminar gropu photograph was distributed to the delegates. Winners and runners up of the student’s Paper presentation Contests was awarded by cash prizes and certificates.

The Seminar was organized by Dr. V.K. Jain as Coordinator, Prof. Preeti Jain, Prof.. Shweta Mogre as Co-coordinators. Dr. V. K. Jain proposed his Vote of Thanks to the seminar delegates for there participation, cooperation and support.



The two days deliberations and lecturers delivered by eminent academicians, experts, and students converged into various strategies/suggestions for improvements in the higher education.

1.      There has to be a planned growth in higher education, especially in technical education so that all seats are filled up.

2.      There has to be a value based education. A compulsory paper has to be included on professional ethics/ business ethics at UG and PG level.

3.      There has to be a very strong Institute-industry relationship/bonding for the mutual benefit and win-win situation.

4.      Syllabus and curriculum should meet out the cultural as well as local requirements.

5.      Students should be treated as customers and be given due respect.

6.      Admission and examination has to be planned so that students passes their course in the stipulated period.

7.      Some innovative teaching Learning methods such as role plays, learning by doing, business plan etc. has to be practiced.

8.      Training for teachers

9.      Career advancement opportunities for the teachers

10.  Resources sharing amongst various Institutes.

11.  Projects of Social Interests should be taken up by the Institutions.

12.  Autonomous Institutions should be given complete academic freedom by the Local Universities.

13.  Compulsory Accreditation form NAAC and NBA

14.  Concept of entrepreneurship has to promote amongst students so that they will become job creators not the job seekers.

15.  There has to proper policy for the manpower/faculty retention.

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