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Date Name of the event Event Description
1 28.03.11
Workshop Case Writing Workshop
2 29.03.11
Workshop Case Writing Workshop
3 30.03.11
Workshop Case Writing Workshop
4 15.03.10 Campus  Reliance HR Srvices Limited
5 15.03.10 Industry Visit Neo Corp International, Pithampur
6 14.03.10 Campus  Renaissace Consulatnts
7 13.03.10
Industry Visit Ritspin Synthetic, Pithampur.
8 12.03.10
Industry Visit Sayaji Hotel, Indore
9 12.03.11 Campus Masti
Radio FM
10 03.03.11 Extra Lecture By Brig. Kiran Thackar
11 25.02.2011 Industrial Visit
24 Students went "PEBLOYYD" Steel
12 21.02.11 Campus
13 19.02.11
Campus Capital Heights
14 17.02.11 Campus
Capital Via
15 16.02.11
National Conference.  11th National Conference on "Mapping For Excellence: Challenges Ahead".
16 14.02.11
Campus IBM
17 02.12.10
Seminar on "Institute Industry Gap" by Rakesh Singh (Alumni), Tito Corporation.
18 30.11.10
Techknowlege 10 Two Days IT Festival in which software Design and Paper presentation contest held.
19 29.11.10
Techknowlege 10  
20 29.11.10
Industry Visit . Tata International, Dewas, Indore
21 26.11.10 Guest Lecture
on"Expectation of Industry from MBA Students" by Colonnel I.S. Gill.
22 22.11.10 Seminar on "Career Growth in Financial Market" By Ashish Andani, (Edd Finn Services)
23 27.10.10
Workshop Handling of Examination Fear and Stress Management by Mr. K. Chaitanaya
24 27.10.10 Industry Visit Pratibha Syntex
25 26.10.10 Workshop By HCL CDC, Indore
26 25.10.10 Workshop Professional Letter Writing and Communication Skill by Veena Dadwani, Director PEPGI, Indore
27 23.10.10 Industry Visit Kriti Industries
28 20.10.10
Industry Visit Gabrial
29 16.10.10 Garba Utsav Garba Utsav by Faculty & Students on the occasion of Navratra
30 16.10.10 Industry Visit MCTE, Mhow

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