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Lion's Club Indore-Unique Pioneer Club

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Lion's Club Indore-Unique Pioneer Club

The first activity that was performed was held on 19/11/2011.On this date a medical checkup camp was held near Barfani Dhaam were our students participated.

As part of our Institution Lions Clubs Indore - Unique Pioneer Club was formed on 14/11/2011, and the first activity that they performed was held on 19/11/2011.

On this date a camp was held near Barfani Dhaam were our students participated.

The details of the same are as below:-

Chief Guest: Mr Mahendra Hardiya ( Health Minister of M.P)

President: C A Subhash Chand Jain

Organizer: Gopal Goyan

Secratory: Radheshyam Kabra

Program: Medical Health Check-up Camp (FREE)

Description about the activity undertaken:Their was a team of 19 Doctors who were conducting a check and after that distributed free medicines. Role of Unique Pioneer Club in the Camp: Their was a team of four members representing the club who rendered their services, did the registration of all the patients. Thy started at 8:30 morning and did it till 2:30 Pm, In all they registered 528 patients at a stretch. They were highly appreciated by the organizers.........

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