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Third TPO Meet

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Third TPO Meet

Third Meeting of TPO was held on December 10, 2011 at Board Room,
Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Indore

The agenda for the meeting was decided and communicated to the members in the notice
as under:
1. To welcome all the TPO
2. To discuss on cost sharing in case of open campus / pool campus where
cost is involved
3. To discuss on establishing a consortium of TPO where all colleges who
have given consent will work as single entity
4. To discuss on role of consultants / intermediary
5. To discuss on orientation of students
6. To discuss on students, TPO, Management and corporate expectations
7. Any other item with the permission of the chair.

CA. Prashant Jain                                              Dr. P. K. Jain
(Executive Director)                                      (Principal & Chairman)

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