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Critical Analysis of Product

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About the Activity:

In this activity the student has to choose any three products like TV, Soap, Car etc. and include all the Basic Information available on the product. Also the student must give all the names of the brannds available of the product.

Objective of the activity:

  • To help the students understand critical features and various parameters of a product.
  • To gain an understanding of a market.

The Student Needs to

  • Choose any three products.
  • Make a general format that includes:
    • Title page
    • Basic Information
    • Introduction about Product
    • Brands available
    • Product Features/Technical parameters/ Ingredients
    • Overall market size and market growth rate.
    • Market Share
    • Leader brand and its Strength and weaknesses.
    • Replacement / Alternative Product
    • Conclusion
    • References


The Detailed CCA will be briefed in the class by the respective faculty/trainer.

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