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Pioneer IT Journal

Employee Relations – A Study to Understand Its Impact on Talent Management in Information Technology Organizations

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to clarify what is meant by Employee Relations and why it is important particularly with respect to its ... Visit website

A Comparative Study of Restructured Advances of Public Sector Banks and Private Banks

When the company cannot meet with its financial obligations or paying the debts when they are due, the company can be considered to lead to ... Visit website

Role of Educational Institutions in Entrepreneurship Development

India has been growing at a quite high rate in the recent years, and is possible to be the largest economy in the world by ... Visit website

Importance of Nurturing Values and Ethics in Business with Special Reference to Corrupted Indian Economy

The paper seeks to draw attention on the importance of following ethical values in businesses in the contemporary Indian society which is profoundly entrenched under ... Visit website

Problems of Women Entrepreneurs in Indore District- An Overview

It is imperative to note the participation of women in economic activities as self-employed individuals. Many of the traditional occupations open to women were mainly ... Visit website

Impact of Globalization and Strategic Agriculture Marketing in India

After Globalization, Indian agriculture has benefited from improved farming techniques but the growth is not equitable. The farmer is trapped in a vicious cycle of ... Visit website

Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Wetlands and its Management Strategies

Wetlands are important source of natural assets and play vital role in agriculture ,fisheries, holding diversity of fauna and flora, water recycling ,livelihood of the ... Visit website

The Role of Values and Ethics in Business in The Environment of Cut Throat Competition

Ethics tries to create a sense of right and wrong in the organizations and often when the law fails, it is the ethics that may ... Visit website

Stepping towards e-Governance through Enhanced File Tracking System: A Functional Model using Integrated Support of ICT

Procedures in Government departments cause creation and movement of files related with different issues among various departments/offices. Though the departments have dispatch and reception sections ... Visit website

A Study on Internet Marketing as A Tool for Promotion

Internet marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particular important in the modern market. The reason why it has increased in importance is quite simple ... Visit website

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