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Faculty Development and Faculty Improvement Programs and the Quality Improvement Programs

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Faculty Development and Faculty Improvement Programs and the Quality Improvement Programs

Faculty Members pays a significant role in shaping the student’s career.Pioneer Institute believes in recruiting best Faculty Members, skilled in latest technologies that helps in the achievement of the highest level objectives.The Faculty Development Programs, Faculty Improvement Programs and the Quality Improvement Programs at Pioneer provides opportunities for faculty members to reflect on current awareness, the theory and the practice through discussion, assessment and research. It helps to host Workshops, Seminars, Conferences and Lecture Sessions for the faculty to develop and share their experiences and explore creative pedagogic methods and resources for different settings and outcomes of student learning. Such Programs have helped to make faculty members skilled in latest technologies; integrate technology in their teaching; orient them with institution’s objective, vision and mission and expand their role as faculty.The Institute focus on quality education, improvement of research skills with quality work.

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