The objective of Pioneer Institute is not to just provide employment opportunities to our students but also to create employers and entrepreneurs. The ED Cell supports by creating awareness on entrepreneurship among the students and to help them to acquire necessary skills to run the industry effectively. The cell conducts Entrepreneurship Awareness Programs and programs in Entrepreneurship enabling skills. Also arranging interactions with successful entrepreneurs through guest lectures, seminars, one to one interactions; conducting specific skill development programs relating to Entrepreneurship; inculcating entrepreneurial spirit and culture among the graduates and post graduates; identifying and motivating budding entrepreneurs and guiding prospective entrepreneurs in knowledge based ventures; generating a database on industrial information to enable entrepreneurs by providing information on entrepreneurial opportunities and assisting entrepreneurs in sourcing finance, recognizing market, preparation of business plan and product development is a regular feature of campus activities.
Pioneer has established ED Cell with the support of AICTE and the cell is constantly working towards creation of new entrepreneurs. The cell has generated many successful entrepreneurs in various fields who are associated with the Institute.
ü Inculcating entrepreneurial spirit and culture
ü Provide employment opportunities to students
ü Create employers and entrepreneurs
ü Grooming skills to run the industry effectively
ü Arranging guest lectures, seminars, one to one interactions
ü Assisting students in sourcing finance, recognizing market, preparation of business plan and product development.
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