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Research and Development

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Research and Development

The Research and Development supports disciplinary research that boosts the teaching and learning environment. It deepens students' thought process and knowledge base of disciplines and profession, including their exploration methods and contemporary research experiments and issues. Research also build students' higher-order intellectual capabilities and enhance their skills for employment and lifelong learning, develop students' capability to conduct research and enquiry and enhance students' commitment and cultivate their capacity for independent learning.

At Pioneer, we have embedded research in the curriculum, by means of Minor Research Projects, Major Research Projects and writing Research Papers. Lot of weight has been given to research. Being autonomous college, we have designed the curriculum in a way to impart research skills in the students. One can refer our dedicated website www.pioneerjournal.in for details of our research work.


Educational Benefits

  • Working with a faculty mentor
  • Learning about issues, methods, and leaders in your chosen field
  • Applying concepts from your courses to “real life” situations
  • Furthering your creative achievement
  • Sharpening your problem-solving skills

Professional Benefits

  • Exploring potential careers
  • Enhancing your professional communication skills
  • Learning new techniques and skills for your career
  • Preparing for graduate or professional school
  • Networking with others who share your interests

Personal Benefits

  • Growing as a critical, independent thinker
  • Building confidence and the ability to work independently
  • Enhancing your awareness of ethical issues

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