The students understand the community in which they live, recognize themselves in relation to their community, identify the requirements and difficulties of the community and include themselves in problem solving process, develop a sense of social and civic responsibility, apply their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems, develop capability required for group-living and sharing of duties, gain skills in organizing community involvement, acquire leadership qualities and representative attitude and to practice national integration and social harmony.
At Pioneer, Village Visits are regularly organized to impart real life learning and challenges. Village Visits are also organized as part of NSS activities.
Exposure to extension and outreach activities includes social issues and legal and social remedies ondomestic violence, dowry, child abuse, Red Ribbon Club (RRC) for AIDS prevention and care. Anti-Tobacco rally, Peace Rally, beggars, female child, victims of violence, old and displaced persons. The Cell conducts various activities in villages for under privileged children and villagers; promote cleanliness in small villages, spread environmental issues, search solutions, build up relation and tie up with NGOs, Adopted Village Kayasth Khedi Tehsil Name (Sanwer); District Indore; State (Madhya Pradesh), develops a passionand brotherhood, develop skill and aptitude for problem solving, develops social skills, communicationskills, management skills, leadership skills, analytic skills, perceptual skills, Blood Donation Camps, Tree Plantation , Water Conservation, Health Check Ups, Rallies on social issues, Celebration of Independence Day, Republic Day, Women's Day, Yoga Day, Anniversaries of great personalities, Cashless Activities, Digital India, World Yoga Day, World Tobacco Prohibition Day, Women Empowerment Programs, Child Marriage, Career Guidance and Counselling Programs.
ü He / she get opportunities to see the community closely and thus gets an experience of human nature in relation to his / her environment.
ü Volunteers’ integration with the slum dwellers and villagers expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception.
ü Gets the opportunity to meet the people from different walks of life
ü It provides diversified opportunities to students in colleges and universities to develop their personality through community service.
ü bring about social change
ü The integration of experiential education/practical/applied dimension to theoretical issues increase interest and understanding as students become independent learners
ü Helping students to sensitize and motivate towards community related issues and help them to contribute to the common good
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