An accumulation of rich collection of accumulated wisdom, the library is spacious, centrally located, air cooled room, built on most modern lines, equipped with well designed furniture and fittings. The library has separate space for reading of newspapers and periodicals. The Reading Section has all the English and Hindi daily newspapers which can be read anytime. The Library fulfills the needs of exceedingly demanding information by offering ample range of National and International Books. From time to time, books and journals are added to the present stock to cater to the needs and demands of the faculties and students. Presently, library has a rich stock of more than 20,000 books on various subjects of management and IT along with National and International Journals. Pioneer Library has to its credit the Best Library Award. The Library is Wi-Fi enabled and has docking facility for mobile and laptops.
The Institute has a subscription of INFLIBNET, EBSCO corporate resource net & J-GATE that facilitates an online access to 1200 National and International Journals along with the company profiles, reports, Magazines, newspapers etc. Multiple students and faculty members together access it for their research work, project work and presentations. The Central Library is equipped with advanced systems which students can access to search numerous books, journals and magazines at E-Library. E-Library can be accessed anywhere in the Computer Labs.
The Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). LIBSYS Software isoffered as Library management systems, offering solutions such as Library automation system, helping inplanning the Academics, installing, nourishing and enhancing the Library with continuous innovations ofCurriculum with reference to automation. The LIBSYS Software brings high level of certainty, offeringdelivered on-time, with high quality, better competence, and awareness for the Research Scholars indeveloping their Dissertation. LIBSYS Software supports all library functions to the Librarian likeAcquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials, Article Indexing and all customizable reports. It has multitasking features and Unicode support including e-mail and book finder with interactive features like onlinereviews, ratings, renewals etc. to maintain library reports, students Major and Minor Projects andcompliance along with Barcode Standards. It delivers unmatched contentment to the Stakeholders, Library Staff and Teaching and Non Teaching Staffand manages ability of the library processes and procedures through its wide-ranging modules.
All the books of the Library are bar-coded. The databases contains the data elements like entering new recordsinto a given database, modifying precise or remove existing records, automatically preserve fast accessfiles and retrieve records by their contents, sort the records in any sequence. The software supports all thelibrary activities like acquisition, circulation, cataloguing, reports etc. and print catalogues and indexes.
The INFLIBNET promotes and implement automation of operations and services with standards anduniformity in techniques, methods, procedures, to facilitate sharing and exchange of information to allstake holders.
The Faculty and Students can get reliable access to document through on-line catalogue ofserials, theses and dissertations, books, monographs, manuscripts and audio-visuals. Integrated Library Management System promotes R&D Cell, ED Cell and facilitates in providing Consultancies.
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