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11th National Conference

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National Conference for the year 2011 was held at the Pioneer Institutes Of Professional Studies This Conference is held every at Pioneer Institute Of Professional Studies, Papers were presented by various individual on various topics in the conference. Delegates from all over the country participated in the 11th National Conference Held At Pioneer Institute Of Professional Studies.


16-FEB-2011 : National Conference covering various theme was presented at the 11th national conferences which was attended by students, professors, Industrial Professionals from all over the country. The Conference provided a podium to professionals, faculty members, researchers and students to submit their views and evolve strategies for gaining excellence in ever-changing economic scenario which can keep them at pace with the evoling world.

Papers and views submitted at the conference elaborated upon the issues related to marketing for competitive advantage, Financial dynamism, HR for sustained growth, Emerging challenges, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Finance and Productivity management.

Empowerment, Leadership and collaboration on the priority agenda of organizationsexhautive views were prsented on these topic by individuals based on real time experiance.

The expedition for excellence whether for an organization or an individual can neither be a half attempt not a fashionable strategy. One needs to encompasses to explore realistic solutions while mapping for excellence.

Conference was attended by

  • Academicians
  • Research Scholars
  • Business Executives
  • Students
  • Management Practitioners from corporates and public sectors
  • Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs

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