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Kite Flying Competition

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Kite Flying Competition

On 15/01/2014, kite flying competition was held on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. Makar Sankranti is a festival that heralds a change of season marking the movement of the sun into the northern hemisphere - a celebration to mark the end of winter. The skies are blue and clear, a cool breeze blows and a feeling of anticipation, joy and jubilation grips all who celebrate the occasion. Kites of different colors and shapes soared high and took to the clear blue skies in the backdrop of Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies during the festival which was held in the premises. 

In this occasion we had special guests who came up from Anand Service Society and State Home for Deaf and Mute person. Dr Mona Tawar along with TPO Praveen Tiwari welcomed the guests. In special invites the people who witnessed the event were Mr. P K Pandey (Principal, Pioneer Convent), all faculty members and staff of Pioneer Institute. Although the children who came up were physically challenged but there energy level and enthusiasm matched none while flying kites. They also participated in the competition with lots of excitement and won many exciting prizes. From dawn to dusk, people of all ages were flying kites rejoicing in the spirit of the day. The blue January sky was enlivened by kites of different colors and hues. Kites were soaring in the sky, their lines moving as if alive. Crowded ground, fun-loving rivalry to outdo each other was witnessed.

The Kite Flying Competition was introduced as part of the festival to revive the practice of kite-flying, which is reckoned to be going out of vogue among the modern generation. The event finally got completed after serving of snacks. After loads of fun prize ceremony was conducted were Dr. Mona Tawar distributed the prizes to the ones who won in the Kite Flying Competition. It was a momentum of joy which every one celebrated. 

Winners of the competition:

The competition was segmented into 3 parts which comprised of In-house, Outhouse and team of Faculty Members. Consolation prizes were also given to the participants whose efforts were appreciable. Winners of the event were as under:

In-house Winners:

Shubham and Adarsh Patel – Winners

Ritesh Jaiswal – Consolation

Mayank Chawand– Consolation

Sachin Malviya– Consolation

Ajeetab Singh– Consolation

Rohit Jat– Consolation

Out House Winners:

Bhairav Singh – Winner

Trilok Singh - Consolation

San jay Gehlot- Consolation

Krishna- Consolation

Satyendra Shukla- Consolation

Faculty Members who won:

Prof. Varun Keshari – Winner

Prof. Durgesh Gaur  - Consolation 

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