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2nd International Conference

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2nd International Conference

About the Conference

The Digital Revolution is an idea to bridge the digital divide and promote digital literacy. With the help of Digital India Program, the nation can be transformed into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Today, a more digital form of globalization has opened the door to developing countries, to small companies and start-ups, and to billions of individuals. The technological choices that an organization makes to create its digital future determine its differentiators. Tens of millions of small and midsize enterprises worldwide have turned themselves into exporters by joining e-commerce marketplaces and this is possible only with the help of “Digital Transformation”.

The conference aims at bringing together industrialist, academicians, researchers, students, policy makers and professionals to be a part of an international community with the goal of participating in educational and developmental activities concerned with digital era.

Objectives of this Conference:

  1. To explore the technological advancement that is central source in the overall progression of nation.
  2. To visualize the role and integration of digital technologies in shaping India into a digitally empowered nation and knowledge economy.
  3.  To analyze the influence of Digital India movement in increasing the employability and establishing entrepreneurial ventures.
  4. To find the impact of transformation due to digitalization loT in different public and private sectors. 
  5. To discuss the role of Start-ups, Entrepreneurs & Innovate business models in Technology & Social Inclusions.

Contact Person

1. Dr. Mona Tawar (Conference Secretary) 9685475921

2. Mr. Sumit Zokarkar (Conference Joint Secretary) 8827888876

3. Ms. Kumkum Sinha (Conference Joint Secretary) 9755808101

4. Dr. Tanu Shrivastava (Conference Joint Secretary) 9753168414

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