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Three Days National Workshop

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Three Days National Workshop

Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore is organizing a Three Days National Workshop on “Research Methodology” sponsored by AIMS dated 19-21 January, 2017. The prime objective of the workshop is to nurture the research skills of the participants. The workshop is designed to impart extensive training, under the guidance of renowned resource persons, on both quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Some of the important topics of the workshop are: Quantitative Research Methodology (Steps involved in quantitative research, research problem formulation, sampling technique, tools of data collection, testing of hypotheses, parametric and non-parametric tests, measurement of correlation and regression, ANOVA, etc.) and Qualitative Research Methodology (History of qualitative research, qualitative research design, content analysis, discourse analysis, focus group discussions, case study method, textual data analysis, etc.) 

Click here to download the brochure.


The major attraction of the workshop, will be:

  • Case Based Analysis
  • Supplementary Course Materials
  • Application of Statistical Tools in Research Publications
  • Detailed knowledge delivery session
  • Personalized doubt clearing

Register yourself by clicking on the link

Email Id: workshop@pioneerinstitute.net

Facebook Presence: http://www.facebook.com/pioneerindore

YouTube Presence: http://www.youtube.com/pioneerindore

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