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13 October 2018

Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies announces 24th National Conference on "Re positioning Educational System: Innovate & Achieve" on 13 October 2018.


Education provides us an unlimited scope to perceive problems under three situations- concrete, abstract and intuition. The important segment of Education - the ability to reason and think clearly- is extremely useful in every aspect of life. In recent decades research in different education has developed a view that the knowledge growth occurs through interactions among a variety of learners. Fundamentally, the Conference is concerned with Repositioning Educational System: Innovate and Achieve. However, the first consideration is the Innovation in different contemporary ideas and to achieve the goal.


Original research Papers (both Empirical and Conceptual) broadly within the scope of the conference topics, written in English language or Hindi are solicited from Academicians, Industry Practitioners, Research Scholars and Students on the sub-themes given above. Authors will have to sign a declaration of originality at the time of final submission. The committee of experts will review all the submitted papers. Accepted papers will be published in the Journal having ISSN No. ISSN -0974-8954-SHODH and also published on E-Journal website. Abstracts and Full Papers need to be sent at conference@pioneerinstitute.net

Contact Persons

Dr. Mona Tawar, Conference Chairperson +91-9685475921

Dr. Neha Lakhotia, Conference Secretary + 91-9993011983

Dr. Prachi Sharma, Conference Secretary + 91 9131627599

Dr. Tanu Srivastava, Conference Joint Secretary + 91 7974430599

Ms. SheetalGoutam, Conference Joint Secretary +91 7974329814

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