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SWOT Analysis of a Company

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About the Activity

 In this activity every student will be assigned a company to which he/she has to analyze on different parameters as discussed further


The objective of this activity is to analyze internal & external environment of the company.

To gain the in depth knowledge of the company & Sector

To develop an entire overview  about the company like strategies, competitors, challenges, list of products and services, business structure .


  • Company Profile
  • SWOT Analysis 
  • Recommendations/ Suggestions 
  • Conclusion
  • References & Sources
  • Working Material


Company Profile

  1. Define The Business
  2. Promoters : Who started/run the business
  3. Current Top Management
  4. Vision/Mission of the Company
  5. Current Goals & Objectives If Possible
  6. All Product lines, Manufacturing Units Capacity, Various types & Medium of Point of Sales


1.Strong financial condition-

  1. Owner’s Capital
  2. No of shareholders 
  3. Foreign Investment
  4. Institutional Investment
  5. Profitability of last 4 Quarters


2.Market share and standing in market

3. Patents and Trademarks

4.Successful New Products launched in last 5 years

5. Successful Advertisement Campaigns

6. Strong Customer Service- any Award won for customer service.

7. Joint ventures, Strategic Alliances, Takeovers and Mergers 

8. Managerial Expertise – Experience of CEO, CMO & CFO

9. Distribution System: No. of Dealers, C&F agents and distributors in the country.

10. Comparatively Comparison on Prices for various Product line with Competitor


  1. Human Resource
  2. Lack of Working Capital 
  3. No Technical Expertise of Company/Division 
  4. No Control over Raw Material 
  5. No clear Strategic Direction
  6. Competitive Capabilities.
  7. Weak balance sheet; excess debt.
  8. Poor Product Design
  9. low level of stocks in times of peak sales
  10. Falling behind in R&D
  11. Higher overall costs than rivals
  12. Missing some key skills/competencies
  13. Internal operating problems . . .
  14. Weak marketing skills


  1. Few and Weak competitors 
  2. Favourable Government Policy 
  3. Expanding to New Geographic Areas
  4. Expanding Product Line
  5. Transferring Skills to New Products
  6. Increase market share from Rivals
  7. Acquisition of rivals
  8. Alliances or JVs to Expand coverage
  9. Openings to Exploit new technologies
  10. Openings to Extend brand name/image
  11. Adequate training opportunities 
  12. Serving additional customer groups
  13. Vertical integration


  1. Restive Labour Force 
  2. Rising Raw Materials Costs 
  3. Entry of Potential New Competitors
  4. Loss of Sales to Substitutes
  5. Slow Market Growth
  6. Adverse shifts in Exchange Rates & Trade Policies
  7. Government Bureaucracy 
  8. Natural Disasters 
  9. Costly New Regulations
  10. Vulnerability to Business Cycle
  11. Growing Leverage of customers or suppliers
  12. Reduced Buyer Needs for product
  13. Demographic Changes


The Detailed CCA will be briefed in the class by the respective faculty/trainer.

CA Prashant Jain

Executive Director

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