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CMA Data and long term appraisal

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CMA Data Form

CMA is Credit Monetary Appraisal.One of the important Constituent of Project Report is Project financing.CMA data form constitutes of Finance data, related to a Project.The Financial Institution appraises the Project based on data filled in CMA.Accordingly, the Project may be accepted or rejected

What is A Project?

Project is a group of activities / tasks which may be related to launch of a Product/Service/Construction carried out in  a systematic way. It is a detailed description of the Project.The Project Report must be prepared  carefully to ensure approval, appraisal and funding from the Financial Institution

Contents of a Project Report

Description of the project 

Promoters, Management and Technical Assistance:

  1. Detailed Bio-data of promoters including financial information 
  2. Proposed management arrangements 
  3. Description of technical arrangements (management, production, marketing, finance etc.) 

Market and Sales

  1. Basic market orientation: local, national, regional, or  export 
  2. Projected production volumes, unit prices, sales 
  3. objectives, and market share of proposed venture 
  4. Potential users of products and distribution channels to be  used
  5. Present sources of supply for products 
  6. Future competition and possibility that market may be 
  7. satisfied by substitute products 
  8. Tariff protection or import restrictions affecting products 
  9. Critical factors that determine market potential
  10. Technical feasibility, manpower, raw material resources, and environment
  11. Brief description of manufacturing process
  12. Comments on special technical complexities and need for
  13. know-how and special skills 
  14. Possible suppliers of equipment (Ideally three competitive quotations to be enclosed) 
  15. Availability of manpower and of infrastructure facilities (transport and communications, power, water, etc.). 
  16. Breakdown of projected operating costs by major categories of expenditures 
  17. Source, cost, and quality of raw material supply and relations with support industries 
  18. Import restrictions on required raw materials 
  19. Proposed plant location in relation to suppliers, markets, infrastructure and manpower 
  20. Proposed plant size in comparison with other known plants 
  21. Potential environmental issues and how these issues are addressed  
  22. Investment requirements, project financing and returns 
  23. Estimate of total project cost, broken down into land,
  24. Construction of buildings and civil works, plant and 
  25. Machinery, miscellaneous fixed assets, preliminary and preoperative expenses and working capital
  26. Proposed financial structure of venture, indicating expected sources and terms of equity and debt financing 
  27. Type financing (loan, equity, quasi-equity, a combination of  financial products, etc.) and amount 
  28. Projected financial statement, information on profitability  and return on investment 
  29. Critical factors determining profitability 
  30. Government support and regulations
  31. Project in context of government economic development and investment program 
  32. Specific government incentives and support available to project 
  33. Expected contribution of project to economic development 
  34. Outline of government regulations on exchange controls and conditions of capital entry and repatriation 
  35. Timetable envisaged for project preparation and completion 


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